This committee was established by the area seventies leader, Elder Hansen and is overseen by Medford's Stake President Morris and is presided over by his second counselor President Thackeray. Single Adult Tifini Wright is the Chairperson/ Information Specialist and Executive Secretary. The committee was created to ensure the over 31 single adults of the four stakes of the Southern Oregon Region have access to resources and support for the annual conferences and 4 Quarterly Events and to unite those stakes, thereby providing the over 31 single adults with opportunities for spiritual growth, service, leadership and social interaction in order to help draw near to the Lord, strengthen testimonies and to help take responsibility for spiritual, social and temporal well-being. This is not a dating service.
For more information on each of the individual stakes involved in this committee please click on the links below.
For more information on each of the individual stakes involved in this committee please click on the links below.